Before the application to our department, we strongly recommend you to contact the professor of the group where you would like to study.

1. Do I have to take an entrance examination and a test in Japanese language

Any applicants must take an entrance examination which consists of written and oral tests. The problems are written both in Japanese and English. The oral tests can be answered in English.

2. Do you teach all of your courses in Japanese language ?

Yes. If you hope to enter master course, Japanese conversation is recommended because many lectures are given in Japanese. In some cases the education and research are conducted in English.

3. What are the courses on MSc?

For detailed information on the courses, please refer to About Our Department page.

4. Do you offer any Japanese language course in your university ?

Some Japanese language courses for foreign students are available, depending on students' capability and need.


For further information on the application, please inquire to the professor of the group where you would like to study.

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Last-modified: 2021-03-03 (Wed) 17:19:59 (1334d)