About the AMP PhD Students Seminar

対象 / Target Audience


All PhD course students at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Physics.

目的 / Objective

細分化された自分の研究テーマに取り組むだけでなく, 産業界,実社会への応用を意識する視点を養うこと, 国外の研究者,他分野の研究者と協調して研究を行うための コミュニケーション能力を高めることを目的とする. 日本人学生には特に積極的に外国人と英語によるコミュニケーションを行う.

The purpose of the seminar is to increase the students' ability of communication and collaboration with researchers from other fields and from abroad, as well as cultivate an awareness of practical applications in the real world, in addition to their specialized work in a specialized research field. In particular, Japanese students are highly encouraged to interact in English with international and exchange students.

実施方法 / Implementation Plan

1. セミナー

  • 各自,各期1回は数理工学の話題について発表を行い, 全員で質疑・討論を行う. 自分の研究で困っている未解決課題について 参加者からアイデアを聞く機会として利用してもよい. 大切なことは,異なる研究分野の人に向けた発表を準備すること. 自分の研究テーマの意義について理解してもらえるように 技術的に細かい説明は避けるなど工夫する. 一週間前には,発表タイトルとアブストラクトを専攻の学生,教員へメールで知らせる. 専攻HPへもスケジュール へもスケジュールを掲載する. 発表会における出欠を取る.

  • Each participant gives a presentation on the topic of Applied Mathematics and Physics once per semester, and the rest of the participants pose questions and discuss the presented topic. At this occasion, the presenter may also pose a vexing open problem from their own research, and get ideas about its solution from the audience. An important point is to prepare a presentation that is engaging for people from research fields different from the presenter's. In order to highlight the significance of their own research topic, presenters should avoid explaining technical details. The title and abstract of each presentation are to be sent to all members, students and faculty, of the Department, one week before the presentation meeting, and the seminar's schedule will be available on the Department's web-page. At each meeting attendance is to be recorded.
  • In addition, it is encouraged to invite visiting researchers to give a presentation and create occasions for research interaction.

2. ICTイノベーションにおけるポスター発表 / Poster Presentation at ICT

  • Each participant should give a poster presentation at the annual ICT Innovations event.

3. インターン,サマースクールなど / Internships, Summer School, etc.


  • 三菱UFJトラスト投資工学研究所:
    8月の定例実施以外にも適宜実施.申込:定例・適宜実施のいずれも, 履歴書を送付し, 面接(電話面接のケース有)を実施して審査.インターンシップの日数は, 適宜実施の場合は, 参加者と相談の上決定.希望者は,MTEC採用担当まで連絡する.
  • 三菱電機:
    宜実施,申込は, 先端技術総合研究所 近藤 純司 氏 まで連絡する.

As a general rule, each member is required to participate in an internship or an international summer school or tutorial, etc., conducted in English during the 3 years of the PhD course. Regarding internships in industry, members can turn to the affiliated unit of Applied Mathematical Modelling (in conjunction with Hitachi), or the cooperating parts of Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Mitsubishi Electric. (Note: In all cases, the participation in an internship program is not related to being hired in that institution.)

  • This department has established collaboration with industry, especially strengthened through the Joint Unit for Applied Mathematical Modelling (AMM) with Hitachi. Interested students can apply through Prof. Youichi Nonaka (e-mail), cc to Mr. Eiji Watanabe (e-mail).
  • Another standing collaboration is with Mitsubishi UFJ Trust, which offers summer internships for students interested in financial modeling. Their usual intake of interns is during the summer break, so do check their corporate webpage, or send a direct inquiry to the R&D department (e-mail).
  • Interested students in Mitsubishi Electric can directly contact Mr. Junji Kondo by e-mail.

報告 / Reports

第1回目を含め,各セミナーの出欠とインターン,サマースクールの参加者の記録を,学期終了時に 専攻長へ提出する.

At the end of the semester, a report of participants in the seminar meetings (including the first meeting of the semester) and the participation state in internships and summer schools will be submitted to the Department's dean.

Last-modified: 2021-03-04 (木) 02:21:24 (1411d)